Sunday, March 29, 2009

Silhouette Sunset

Mallory Square-Key West February 19, 2009 - sunset 6:02 pm

This looks easier than it actually was. People who aren't into photography probably figure hit Mallory Square at sunset and take the perfect picture. Unfortuanately, it's not that easy. First you need optimal weather conditions; a cloud or two, but that's all! Three or more clouds hide the sun, killing the effect. Second (and this is important) you've got to lay your claim on the pier. It might mean making friends with the wait staff and bartender of the restaurant overlooking said perfect spot. It could very well mean ordering your dinner an hour before sunset and timing your consumption of say... the perfect soft shell crab sandwich to beat the crowds who show up at six o'clock for a 6:02 sunset. I'd like to take credit for the boat showing up and sailing through at just the right time, but some things just have to be left up to chance.

Never digital- always film