Saturday, August 29, 2009

Are we there yet?

Rocky Mountain State Park, CO- July, 2005

Sometimes, well actually most times, the most direct route is not necessarily the most scenic route. Case in point- four years ago we had the opportunity to visit Colorado during a heat wave where temperatures exceeded 104 degrees. My brother in law who lives in Aurora- just outside Denver planned an excursion into the mountains at a resort in Winter Park where the temperature was rumored to be 75 degrees. Clearly a no brainer.

Now the direct route between point A (Aurora) and point B (Winter Park) is approximately 80 miles with a driving time of one hour and forty minutes. However as research would have it there is a seasonal/scenic road which could get us there in a mere four hours and five minutes with untold photographic opportunities as an added bonus. Unfortunately I didn't account for road work and photo op stops which added a good (actually not so good) hour and a half onto the drive time resulting in a six hour drive to travel 169 miles.

While there were some tense moments in the car toward the end of our trek, four years later I think I'm forgiven and in the meantime I landed myself some amazing shots this being one of my best that day.

Never digital- always film and I'll be back from Florida real soon with a new stash.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Arrivedeci Estate
(goodbye summer)

Cornwall-on-Hudson, NY- August, 2009

Yup, that's all folks. Here you have the last sunset of summer before return to work tomorrow. My brother who works 50 weeks a year will remind me not to complain as "the rest of us only get two weeks vacation" so I'm not at liberty to moan. The photoblogger is still on island time in Florida and since there was a deadline to meet- the last day of vacation- digital was the answer this time in order to get the shot posted oh... sometime before mid October.

That's right digital and if he has something to say let him come home and blog for himself!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Here's Joan Rivers!!!

Tropic Groves, Vero Beach- July 2009

Remember when talk show host Johnny Carson would go on vacation? They'd always bring in a series of guest hosts most notably Joan Rivers. Joan substituted for Johnny a total of 93 times until she went and got her own show which aggrieved Johnny so much he banned her from his show for life. (Does that mean if I get my own blog?)

Anyhow with the photoblogger on vacation his producers have resorted to bringing in some guest photographers.

This picture breaks the most important of the photographer's rules "never shoot into the sun". I don't know any other way to get a sunset so I took a chance with this shot - it was the only one of five that wasn't too dark but hey it's digital- yes digital so I can delete the other four.

Don't tell the photoblogger or I won't be asked back. I read that Carson never watched the show when there was a guest host, so maybe I'm in the clear.

Never digital - always film (I'll say it just to play it safe)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

The apple doesn't fall far from the photographer

Shenandoah Valley, VA- August 2009

Now my daughter has gotten in on the act. Not bad considering she was shooting from the window of a car going about 60 mph. Both my girls have inherited a knack for photography; Meaghan was a student at Maine College of Art for a couple of years and Kelsey is patiently awaiting senior year when she can take a photography course at her high school. I'd like to ease her into film photography but in an age where she can take a picture using her phone and post the results to the internet before I have a chance to set up my next shot, she might be tough to convince.

Never digital- always film- except in the case of guest appearances by budding photographers who happen to be related to me.

Monday, August 10, 2009


Epcot, Disneyland- Orlando, FL- July 2009

Forget health care reform for just a minute... do you know that it is near impossible to buy print film at DisneyWorld of all places? I searched in vain amidst the gift shop of the "moderately" priced Wilderness Lodge, which had all manner of t shirts, candy, coffee mugs, and a full complement of liquors available for consumption in one's room only to be told that they 'might' sell film in the theme parks. After sacrificing an arm and a leg for admission to Epcot ($75. x 3) I could barely afford the throw away camera I was "coerced" to buy as I was 'discouraged' to bring my camera into the park in case there was no overpriced film available to purchase.

Although I don't remember, it was reported to me that I said derogatory things about the throw away Kodak as I photographed the theme park. I wasn't too far off- out of the twenty seven shots I took this is the only one I was reasonably excited about.

Never digital - (I'm insistent and consistent) always film- even if it means scouring the World of Disney only to wind up with mediocrity.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Sexton Plaza- Vero Beach, FL- July 2009

These photos were shot during my recent six day (short, but who is counting?) summer vacation stint in Vero Beach. What?!?! Summer vacation?? Nonsense, I'm retired so now I can revist Paradise in precisely twelve days and twenty two hours (but who is counting?) I'm planning to venture out; up the coast aways in a little piece of paradise called Sebastian Inlet. Now remember, I deal in FILM, so the results won't be posted twelve seconds after I capture the shot.

Sexton Plaza-Vero Beach, FL- July 2009

It's worth getting up early for these sunrises. Early, schmurly- heck I was getting up at 5 am just to be on time for work. Sunrise in Vero these days is approximately 6:47 am (again, who is counting?)

Never digital- always film and patience is a virtue because film takes longer sometimes resulting in greater intervals between blog postings.