Sunday, December 20, 2009


Cornwall on Hudson, December, 2009

Hey, it's Cindy and it's digital. Precision Camera did not come through as expected. We never really did find out what the problem entailed just that the prognosis was grim. Never fear, within hours of the fatal diagnosis of his current Minolta Vectis- the photographer scored another on Ebay. So allowing for the turnaround on the camera purchase in addition to the expanse of time it takes to shoot and blog film as well as the reality that no one wants to see pictures of Florida sunsets when we're all digging out of record snow; my digital and I took matters into our own hands. We've taken back the blog - temporarily at least until the photographer and his camera are back on their feet.

Digital- at least until film is back in the picture

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Cornwall on Hudson- December, 2009

No surprise, with the camera in the shop (no verdict from Precision Camera, but any day now) this is a shot by Cindy from Cindy's phone via Photo Bucket. It's the same golf course as my header picture which less than two months ago was sun bathed in glorious fall colors best captured with FILM!

Go digital if you want speed, ease and you aren't terribly particular about your colors otherwise always film

Monday, December 7, 2009


Vero Beach, FL- August, 2009

Pickings are slim, but my camera has returned from Florida and is currently en route to Precision Camera in Enfield, CT for a comprehensive physical. I've hit the archives and found this gem, overlooked from my August trip. Just a few paces to the south from "Here's to you John"

Vero Beach, FL- August, 2009

from the August collection this print is proof (yet another pun) that back in the day I was batting close to .500, well photographically anyway.

Never digital- always film and awaiting the verdict from the good folks at Precision Camera Repair.