Saturday, June 19, 2010


Fairfield, PA- June, 2010

Cindy says "Just this morning I asked Brian 'are you going to bring your camera?' only to be told "No, I don't need it, I won't be taking any pictures'". Today was a new low in the ongoing saga when Brian exited the car (a rented Ford Fusion, which he has threatened not to give back tomorrow night) took one look at the lavender fields at Willow Pond Farm and as though the thought had occured to him for the first time, observed "I should have brought my camera."

Well, never you mind, these pictures taken at the Pennsylvania Lavender Festival about 1 pm with a cell phone are dished up fresh for the blog by 5 pm.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Vero Beach, FL- May, 2010

You really have to check out the last blog entry to appreciate this one. We'll give you a minute to scroll down and read it. Is that enough time? All caught up?

A picture is worth a thousand words. Here is a shot of our little back to nature girl Lianna taken back in the day when 'digital' was a dirty word. What a difference a year makes.

Cornwall on Hudson, NY- Janurary 2009