Saturday, March 26, 2011

Z is for Zebra

Sebastian Inlet, FL- November, 2009

Still stuck in winter when the calender says spring there isn't a whole lot of photography going on these days. This is a throwback to the days of film, found in the treasure trove of the photographer's archives when clarity and good color were what was expected from film.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Cornwall-on-Hudson, NY- March, 2011

This lunar event brought the moon closest to earth than anytime in the past eighteen years. I didn't have digital back then but now I do and for once the weather up here worked in my favor.

However if I wasn't in Cornwall, we all know where I would be. I'd be taking a picture like this...

Vero Beach, FL- March, 2011

Thanks for the back up Dena!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Cornwall-on-Hudson, NY- March 2011

Actually, Shakespeare cautioned against the Ides of March, based on Julius Cesar's impending March 15 visit to the Roman senate and his vacation getaway plans to leave town on March 19. I'm not sure why he wanted to leave Rome, something about political enemies to be sure. It certainly couldn't have been weather as the Roman March is considerably more temperate than Cornwall where even though spring is around the corner, we're still at risk for the passing ice storm.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


San Antonio, TX- July, 1996

Enjoy the break from the ice pictures of winter with a fourteen year old throw back to days of print film.

I don't even think I captured this shot. My sister-in-law wrote the date on the back of the print (can't write on the back of digital). In any case "the eyes have it" Check out the cousins' gaze. Wonder what secret they were sharing...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Cornwall on Hudson, NY- March 2011

Unlike the last ice storm I blogged (December 2008 blogged in April 2009 due to glacier slow turn around film into print) this ice storm which was probably two hours in length cost me NOTHING. No power outages, no hotel stays, no tree removal, NOTHING and no cost to develop film either. Gotta love digital.