Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Color Correction Training

Lee, MA- June, 2011

Miracle upon miracle, I recently learned that I can correct colors in digital format. Sure you can do that with film, but first you'd have to take it to a lab. I miss my guys at Color Group in Hawthorne, NY. But unlike my good friend Bob Neaman http://robertgneaman.blogspot.com/ those guys never took me on a photo shoot in the Berkshires.

Sunday, June 5, 2011


Cornwall-on-Hudson, NY- June, 2011

The owner of one of these four Harley Davidsons thought I crossed the street in search of a phone signal when I captured this shot with my trusty Sprint phone. Unlike the Photographer's camera, my cellphone goes everywhere with me. Notice a theme?

Everyone had an agenda...given my druthers I would have liked a sunnier day for the shot; the bikers wanted to be on the road before the rain set in. Donna, the owner of Hudson Street Cafe, the establishment where the bikers were dining, felt the picture would have looked great if the tables were full. I implored her to get everyone out of the restaurant to dine al fresco in for the sake of art, but alas it wasn't meant to be...

Friday, June 3, 2011


Jones Farm, Cornwall, NY- June, 2011

Cindy here. Been bugging Brian for years to bring his camera to Jones Farm. Always an excuse, always forgetting. Bopped by to pick up the requisite cherry pie for Kerry's 14th birthday when I'd finally had enough and took pictures with my cell phone. Yes shocking, scandalous but even the Photographer had to concede I captured the shot.