Monday, February 17, 2014

Getting one over on the Jet Stream
(what a difference a day makes)

Cornwall-on-Hudson, NY- February 2014

Friday morning

Vero Beach, FL- February, 2014

Saturday afternoon

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Send pictures, not weather

Southworth, WA - January, 2014

As the latest storm originating from the west dumps 12+ inches on us here on the mountain, I express my appreciation to my friend Lenore Babic for her photographs but she can keep the weather, thank you very much.

Sinclair Inlet, WA - January, 2014

Monday, February 3, 2014

New Month, New Skill

Vero Beach, FL- January, 2014

There will be no stopping him now!  The Photographer has mastered the skill of downloading and sending his pictures to the Blogger so there should be no gaps between photographs while he's away.  Well done!