Sunday, May 31, 2015

The eyes have it

Cornwall-on-Hudson, NY - May, 2015

The girl loves her dog and vice versa

Walton, NY- December, 2011

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Springing Ahead After Falling Behind 

Lennon, Harrison and McCarthy wrote "it's been a long, cold, lonely winter", and so it has.  Now the photographers (note the plural) have been busting out and here are some of the results.. 

Cornwall-on-Hudson, NY- April, 2015

Cornwall-on-Hudson, NY- April, 2015

Cornwall-on-Hudson, NY- April, 2015

Cornwall-on-Hudson, NY- April, 2015

New Windsor, NY- April, 2015

The last photograph thanks to Kerry, finishing senior year in high school with a digital photography class.