Sunday, May 31, 2009


Vero Beach, FL - June, 2006

Yes, occasionally I do take pictures of people. When my children were little by the time I adjusted the lens, f- stop and other settings on my camera, they'd moved on to more important things. I can't imagine how many photo opportunities passed me by while I was busy lining up the shot. Mountains, trees and oceans are very forgiving; they more or less stay where they are supposed to so a photographer can position himself and his camera. The animal kingdom will work with me on occasion- birds and butterflies seem to have more of an attention span and can hold a pose longer than your average two year old.

I didn't even notice that mother and daughter were positioned exactly the same as they gazed out over the ocean that summer evening. When we got the print back my wife brought it to my attention. We both liked the picture so much that we requested our painter friend Rebecca Darlington to paint a mural inspired by the shot. The mural takes up a wall in my daughter's bedroom.

Now everytime my daughter gets mad at her mother, she doesn't need to look any further than her bedroom wall to realize they aren't so different after all.

Never digital- always film (except in the case of the mural which was shot using a Kodak Easy Share)

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