Friday, November 27, 2009


Vero Beach, FL- November 2009

I wish I had good news. I wish I had better pictures. Three weeks and three rolls of film including a trip to Pelican Island, and this one shot is all I have to show from my recent trip. I've narrowed it down to the following:

  1. Fuji: I used a three pack of Fuji film...could it have been bad? Unlikely, the film was years away from the expiration date.
  2. Processing? Since Kodak discontinued processing I've been happy with the results from Fuji (well, the prints anyway- their CD roms on the other hand are less than desirable).
  3. Camera? Auto focus and/or Auto Exposure.... the likely culprit. That means the camera needs to be brought back from Florida (Cindy has graciously agreed to fly down to Florida next weekend to escort the camera home) and shipped over to Precision Camera Repair in Connecticut. These guys are the best. If it's the camera they'll get the job done.

In the meantime for your viewing pleasure Ceslovas Vaicys, MD, PhD., FACS my physician/saviour who performed an emergency laminectomy/discectomy on my L4-5 herniated disc last summer at Indian River Medical Center. Long on skill but a little short on bedside manner, Dr. Vaicys takes a good picture.

In fact, the only good picture.

Never digital- always film- it might be a while before I come up with some new shots, so be patient (no pun).

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Cornwall-on-Hudson, NY - October, 2007

Hoping a plane this afternoon leaving paradise and headed for what is left of fall. Bringing a couple of rolls of film with me and looking forward to seeing these recent fall photos in the flesh (well, sort of) instead of on the internet.

Never digital, always film and

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

CORNWALL-on-the Hudson
the walls of fall

Cornwall-on-Hudson, NY - October, 2009

Cornwall-on-Hudson, NY- October, 2009

Cornwall-on-Hudson, NY- October, 2009

The opening line from Robert Frost's poem Mending Walls reads "Something there is that doesn't love a wall". Perhaps he never traveled in Cornwall on Hudson or the Hudson Valley for that matter because we all love our walls.

Never digital- always film and tomorrow I'll be 'on the road' so stay tuned.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Fall

Vero Beach, FL- September 2009

I must admit, I've rather enjoyed photographing the fall. I took two days in Vermont, did much better running around Cornwall (more sunshine and a lot cheaper) and a couple of weeks later flew down to Florida where the extent of my leaf peeping has been gazing at the palm trees as the sun dips over the horizon. Just last night I took a sunset cruise to Pelican Island on the intercoastal and took an entire roll of film. Hopefully I'll get some nice results.

Vero Beach, September, 2009

Cornwall on Hudson, NY - November 2009

This is the closest thing I have to a palm tree at home. It is one of my favorite trees because it is entirely low maintainance.

What I have to look forward to ...

Never digital- always film and you'll find me back in New York raking by week's end

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Hello again, I'm back

Cornwall on Hudson, NY- October, 2009

When we couldn't open the internet on our desktop, nearly two weeks ago I was convinced our computer caught the H1N1 virus. I carted it off to the local geeks who decided it was some sort of computer auto immune disorder; the antivirus/spyware turned on itself somehow and told the pc it had a virus when in the end it just required new security software and a much needed disk defragmentation.

Sounds like I know what I'm talking about, huh?

Couldn't post without my trusty scanner which is installed on this desktop but after sixteen days and a trip to Rite Aid to get my latest prints from Fuji I bring you this gazebo.

After considerable discussion and introspection I've changed my banner from I create images to I capture images. An acquaintance who is totally into digital photography photoshops pictures for days trying to get each little pixel picture perfect. And he does, and they are beautiful images that adorn his home and office. Truly, he creates images, and I hoping for the best each time I shoot, knowing I will never near absolute perfection, capture images.

Never digital- always film and I can't change the name of the blog only the banner.