Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Fall

Vero Beach, FL- September 2009

I must admit, I've rather enjoyed photographing the fall. I took two days in Vermont, did much better running around Cornwall (more sunshine and a lot cheaper) and a couple of weeks later flew down to Florida where the extent of my leaf peeping has been gazing at the palm trees as the sun dips over the horizon. Just last night I took a sunset cruise to Pelican Island on the intercoastal and took an entire roll of film. Hopefully I'll get some nice results.

Vero Beach, September, 2009

Cornwall on Hudson, NY - November 2009

This is the closest thing I have to a palm tree at home. It is one of my favorite trees because it is entirely low maintainance.

What I have to look forward to ...

Never digital- always film and you'll find me back in New York raking by week's end

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