Friday, November 27, 2009


Vero Beach, FL- November 2009

I wish I had good news. I wish I had better pictures. Three weeks and three rolls of film including a trip to Pelican Island, and this one shot is all I have to show from my recent trip. I've narrowed it down to the following:

  1. Fuji: I used a three pack of Fuji film...could it have been bad? Unlikely, the film was years away from the expiration date.
  2. Processing? Since Kodak discontinued processing I've been happy with the results from Fuji (well, the prints anyway- their CD roms on the other hand are less than desirable).
  3. Camera? Auto focus and/or Auto Exposure.... the likely culprit. That means the camera needs to be brought back from Florida (Cindy has graciously agreed to fly down to Florida next weekend to escort the camera home) and shipped over to Precision Camera Repair in Connecticut. These guys are the best. If it's the camera they'll get the job done.

In the meantime for your viewing pleasure Ceslovas Vaicys, MD, PhD., FACS my physician/saviour who performed an emergency laminectomy/discectomy on my L4-5 herniated disc last summer at Indian River Medical Center. Long on skill but a little short on bedside manner, Dr. Vaicys takes a good picture.

In fact, the only good picture.

Never digital- always film- it might be a while before I come up with some new shots, so be patient (no pun).

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